A consisted of presentation of the book El Salvador: Its speakers (2006) poet and journalist Jorge Vargas Méndez, in the multipurpose room of the communal house of the Palmar, Santa Ana
As expected we did not spend from 20 attendees, with everything and took my students Morphosyntax II: Jesy, Diana, Alba, Wendy and Luis. Katy was also a student of languages.
The presentation was enjoyable and the author is a sympathetic and kind to others interested in adventures of words. It gave the opportunity to greet the poet, because I promptly and I had just arrived. I gave a copy of a paper (which I published as an article in digital format (1) in http://www.uesocc.edu.sv/contenido.php?id=85&opcion=revistas and http://www.emagister.com/estudios-canonicos-del-espanol-salvadoreno-cursos-2469534.htm ) I wrote in 2004 when I was invited to the first National Congress of Arts students UES organized by Paul Benitez and other partners. My presentation is called canonical English Studies Salvadoran is basically a critical reading of the work of Pedro Geoffroy Rivas and a manifesto on the need to study English and Salvadoran from nuesvas perspectuvas theories systematically.
Vargas's book is a continuation of the work of Geoffroy, who reprises his theoretical conception and the existence of the Salvadoran language as result of the confluence between the English and Nahuatl. In return to this issue later. But I recommend the book, not its theoretical vision.
(1) There is a printed publication in a local magazine.