Saturday, November 10, 2007

Alpha Kappa Alpha Usf

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E n the last decade, after the recent conflict, has resurfaced in the country and specifically in the academic interest in studying the humanities, history, anthropology, perhaps literature and culture in general. This renewed interest is not as directed as we would like, nor as robust as it deals, but interesting nonetheless. In areas such as literature displays inucitada of narrative production and production poética.CON renewed heated discussions OF BEAUTY AND THE VALUES OF THE EXPRESSION. In this frame of things, I'm trying to push, with my meager forces research in areas such as indigenous languages \u200b\u200band English El Salvador El Salvador . I'm always interested in the study of language, but "I came to this interest through the work of Roque Dalton" and many writers Salvadoran, Central and Latin America. Of course, with minimal training in literature the way dealing with these matters at the University of El Salvador in the late 80's. I listened with pleasure to a Salvadoran (who later tried and interests agree, my friend Rafael Lara) at the University of Costa Rica to mention that the writer needs to write, live, thing is the language for me personally.


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