Monday, August 23, 2010

Biggest Sighting Ever Macromastia

who will say .... Collection of homoerotic stories

what people think ....

Since ancient times, society has remained steady and secure in the midst of a tangled web of views, comments and whispers. While this has helped to maintain order, mainly from the moral realm, also served to keep out those who fail, or turn, do not want to fall into these word games, criticism and sarcasm. Anyone who wants to join in a community, must be open to occasionally be talked about in good or bad sense, depending on their behavior. But this is healthy for society?

Today, a lot of people live in large cities, where one of the most obvious advantages is the apparent invisibility as a person. For better or for worse, and unless you're in show business, you always have to remain invisible to most people, and that, we thought, would help us to remain free to say, but even so we can escape scrutiny society. With only greet the neighbor, the goalkeeper and food dispenser in the corner, you're busy. These characters will be ready at any second to release a gadget, a joke or a comment. Just get a couple of times with some friends, and become a party animal, go all weekend and will be an alcoholic, have a couple of friends and do not go down dog. Given this, do we react?

Well, one of the first things is denial. I do not care. Talk, they say, do what you want, I live my life the best way and as I please. Well, that works, until the girl next door that lets you look at the eyes, the concierge greets you with dryness, and the shopkeeper does not laugh at your jokes. So here comes the mask does not matter. Then comes the second stage: All right.

This stage is to try to overlook how people behave differently in your path. You pretend, laughing nervously and trying to pretend that nothing happens, the problem is not mine, it's the other, they do not know what they're missing. (I, of course) The hardest thing is having to deal with people everyday and they treat you with contempt. But this stage can last long, or too little. Of course, there will be another reveler, alcoholic or dog that wants to be your friend, but you what you looked with suspicion, and you've heard the things he has done, or say he has done. Moreover, this old saying "he who walks with wolves ..." not help at all.

next stage. Enter the game.

and comes masterstroke. No choice. You enter the game. Whereas previously you did not care what your neighbor did, or what you heard in the elevator, it is now vital, must be ready to collect as much information to be used on your right. With that information will achieve the goalkeeper forget your dry and become confident, and the grocer, forget (at times) your gossip and focus on the life of someone else. And once you've entered, you can not get out.

Now you're part of the community and should be glad, you learned how society works, you are part of its system of symbols and meanings, and above all, you became part of the moral practice of your environment .

Welcome to the world of gossip.


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

List Of Spectrobes In Spectrobes Origins


As is tradition in the month of August, the homoerotic Stock has prepared a collection of stories by various authors speaking about the love between same sex.

authors of different nationalities come together with contemporary accounts, historical, science fiction and fantasy to show the facets of this homoerotic love in his works.

Edition available for free download: Download here

Edition available in print:

Buy it here


1. Abnormal activities - Zelsh
2. Fallen angel - Elo
3. Blow job - Francisco Muñoz Enriquez
4. Century III - Sol Sweet
5. The boy - Knox Nimphie
6. The dragon lover and the gentleman who accepted his fate - Virgil Phoenix
7. The Red Book - Capandres
8. The Observer - Lieblosem
9. Emilienne - Knox Nimphie
10. Meetings Casual - Ariadne
11. The queen in the mirror - Carmilla Bastet
12. Narciso's smile - Jordi
13. The words that I loved - Elo
14. Le Belle Poupee - Nissi Mavy
15. Love Me Twice - Nayra Ginory
16. Noah - Kagome
17. Eye color of rain - Lizzy
18. Small doses - Catrina Dinorah PR
19. Not as opposite poles - Barbara I. Olvera
Montero 20. For the second time - Khira
21. Resurrection of blood to heart - and Gael Holkan
22. Secret window - Chaotic Kittie
23. Voices of jellyfish - Jordi

We thank the authors who participated with their interesting stories, Sandra Valenzuela layout and all the editing team: Khira , Ariadne , Van and Krausser Nimphie for their selfless help.

Finally, we welcome to our collection of new authors: Zelsh , Elo, F Muñoz Enriquez rancisco , Virgil Phoenix, Lieblosem , Kagome , Lizzy , Catrina Rinorah P. R ., Holkan and Gael, and Chaotic Kittie .

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Which Has A Higher Rate Of Respiration

Disappointments with Age

A couple of weeks ago I turned years, and well, although I have not hung on the third floor, I feel pretty old, but not so disappointed. You know, for thinking that at this point in my life and would be earning the bread with everything that comes out of my head, my parallel worlds and my imaginary friends.

is difficult to face the fact the years go by and things seem to constantly postponed. Projects always appear important that we attract, capture and then we finally move us away from the path before. And even if you learn a lot when off the road, sometimes at night, when we realize what is really valuable in life, we see how the projects and hopes that before we had set and that seemed so easy to get, require all our energy. And the bad thing is that you have lost it along the road.

And here is where the eats me curious:

Does this only happens to me?

to me and my lack of discipline and method, not trying hard enough, my lack of attention problems, and I understand that in life there are very few real winners, and most happy people are losers themselves. Although abandoned their goals and their way, they managed to make his life more important and is formed at night when the conscience finally awakens from its lethargy. If so, I hope that I also happen, although I do not ever give up following my true path.

At this point in my life, and knowing that many can not leave things the way you expected, just wish that the goals have been postponed slowly start to realize, and you need to know how to fight until the last minute, as there are even people who have succeeded after death.

And that would be my last term.

Capandres .