Wednesday, May 26, 2010

427 Ss Truck For Sale Of The Line

The home that was never released

Today, many take refuge in a shell not to be damaged, to be protected or not they want to be like the others, the difference is the label that we quality at birth, no one can judge another without first opening the book and learn, things should think before you act and not done by impulse ..

someone a look said "words are gone with the wind" but another later said "words are the weapon of our being" words words words, if everything is made of them until they want something for someone with great weight ..

never say something that you might regret tomorrow the day will hurt trust me it is preferable to a short distance shot you repeat a word that you left in the past but if someone said "are gone with the wind" ps we are reminded a circle where everything always returns to us, so never underestimate the destination since we are living to fill the lines of that book has a cover uncertain about their content


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