Thursday, March 3, 2011

Neosporin For Broken Capillaries


recently because my new part time job, taking on a micro-market, I discovered a very important event occurred in men Santander society and what is maybe a given event in all Latin American culture: The relationship between alcohol and affection of men.

live in a macho and conservative culture that for years has banned men to express their feelings, often encouraged by the same women, grandmothers, aunts, mothers and sisters who used to say during childhood "Men do not cry", "men in the kitchen smell like shit and chicken", "males do not feel ", causing the feeling that boys express affection are frowned upon because they are clearly feminine feelings and the feminine in a man shows weakness and further makes it poof.

The problem with this breeding is that men are human beings full of feelings, despite all the time and always keep them at bay so as not to affect your masculinity. And the funny thing is that women approve it that way, a man who cried watching Titanic with his girlfriend, a man is not complete and may be victimized by the same woman, who despite the feminist revolution and equality with male gender, prefer a serious man, male and gentlemanly. For some say that the metro-sexual man is such a fad, women prefer males is that the same genetic code they claim. The strongest male is the one who will help defend their young in the best way.

However, there is a leak or at least one outlet to the pressure exerted by society on what should or should not feel the men: alcohol. Alcohol is an intoxicant and inhibitions to humans of all those layers of education and guilt they live with daily, and allows them to express themselves and express the feelings are always saved. For some say that many drunken men "were wetting the canoe and simply express your feelings: they want their friends and they love their children.

this process is interesting, but I've seen up close and I can say that the man feels free and happy to be drunk without feeling it may manifest signs of any sort. A clear example is when they drink with friends and often children, as drunk as they begin to loosen up to the final in which they say among themselves that they want, and even hug without it being frowned upon. The man must turn to alcohol to express your feelings without being frowned upon. A man embracing another man is appointed, but when two drunken men do somehow lose this remark, and even admitted, because those feelings are always in the background but only so they can let them out.

Maybe this is one reason why there are high rates of alcoholism and mainly affects men, because it becomes their outlet to express all that and still keep within being so macho men which society needs.



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